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Ripley St. John’s CofE

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Y2 Lions

Year Two topics

In Year 2 , we focus on a range of interesting and exciting topics in history, geography and science over the year.


In Autumn, we will be looking at maps of the local area and beyond in our topic Magical Mapping. We will move on to learning about The Gunpowder plot during the second half term.


During Spring, we will be finding out about The Great Fire of London and exploring a contrasting location in our Sensational Safari topic.


To end the year, we will be learning all about Kings and Queens, then a new topic for this year for Year 2 is Beside the Seaside


Home Learning- below are a range of websites that you can access at home


Useful links:

My Maths Interactive online teaching and homework

TT Rock Stars Times tables practice - all times tables need to be learnt.

Supermovers Get active whilst learning

Go Noodle Encourage children to stay active

BBC BiteSize KS1 All subject areas and topics from the national curriculum

Top marks Great educational resources, full of games, ideas and free activities.


