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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • COVID-19 Update

    Wed 18 Mar 2020 Mrs Rose

    Good evening.  I am sure you will have heard the announcement by the Prime Minister that all schools in the UK will shut on Friday 20th March 2020.  I can therefore confirm that St John's will sadly close it's doors to most pupils at 3.15pm on Friday for the foreseeable future..


    There are a few exceptions at this initial closure stage including "Key Workers", children with an EHCP and those with a social worker.  I am awaiting a full definition of "Key worker", which I will release as soon as possible, however if you are a frontline NHS or police worker or a delivery driver, please can you email proof of this employment to by 11am tomorrow so that we can begin to put detailed plans in place.


    We will contact our vulnerable families including those with EHCPs and social workers directly tomorrow.


    I will send a detailed plan of the arrangements tomorrow so everyone is fully informed.

    I know many of you are going to find this decision difficult and I am truly sorry that it has come to this, however we must follow the government guidance provided.


    Can I take the opportunity to thank you for your support so far at this very difficult and unusual time. We will do our best to continue learning for your children via our website and dojo as long as possible.  Please be patient with us as we finalise our plans and keep your eye on Dojo as news will be released to you as quickly as we can.


    Please stay safe and look after yourselves.

  • COVID-19 Advice

    Tue 17 Mar 2020

    Please see the attached guidance regarding Coronavirus


    Government Response -




    DfE also have a helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education. Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows:


    Phone: 0800 046 8687


    Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)

    PHE East Midlands response centre
    Tel: 0344 225 4524 followed by Option 0 to get through to East Midlands Health Protection Team, then press option 1, then ask for the Coronavirus Response Centre. Open from 8am to 8pm.


  • COVID-19 Update

    Mon 16 Mar 2020 Mrs Wendy Rose

    Having just listened to the most up to date information from the Government (which may change on a daily basis following the introduction of daily briefings by the government), please take note of the following;


    Schools are to REMAIN OPEN.


    If anyone in a family presents with symptoms of COVID-19 - that is a persistent, continuous cough and/or a high temperature - all family members should self-isolate for 14 days.  This is the government guidance.  Please notify school should this be something that you have to do.  We do have number families who are in this situation.  Staff will look into providing some learning packs in these cases.

    Social distancing is advised and with this in mind all planned trips will be postponed until further notice and any additional visitors into school will be limited.


    We are considering other measures during the school day such as cancelling events where we all gather together - this will include Golden worship, so until further notice Golden Worship on a Friday will not take place.


    Any WOW events will be cancelled to avoid unnecessary contact.


    Hand washing remains a massive focus in school, as is the cleaning regime and is in line with county guidance.  Staff will be cleaning surfaces throughout the day as an added precaution.


    Non essential meetings with parents and carers will be postponed or conducted via the phone.

    Any further changes will be sent to you as soon as possible and I will endeavour to send a daily update as soon as the government have made their announcements.


    In these unprecedented times it is essential that we all look out for one another and work together for the care and safety of the whole community. Don't forget we have a food bank in school so if you or someone connected to the school community is struggling (including those over 70 who may be unable to get out now), please contact Mrs Crowder, Mrs Perry or myself and we will help while ever we can. (Donations to the food bank will be gratefully received).


    Thank you for your continued support


    Wendy Rose
