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Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension (1 hr session and an additional 30 minutes)

Reading comprehension is taught twice each week from in year groups 1 to 6. Across each year, children will focus on four key strands of reading comprehension: retrieval, vocabulary/word meaning, inference and deduction, explanation, prediction and summarising – the children know these as V.I.P.E.R.S. Within each strand, a different question type will be taught each week. The question types will include: tick box, written answer, match up answers, find and copy, true/false. Children will be taught how to answer these questions to gain 1 or 2 marks as appropriate. Three-mark questions will be introduced in UKS2. To answer these questions, children will be taught to make two points each with supporting evidence from the text (Point Evidence Explanation or PEE). During the reading comprehension sessions, children in each year group will follow a reading cycle. 


The reading comprehension teaching cycle is as follows:

  • Exploration of the text – The teacher introduces a short extract to the children. The teacher reads the text to the children, questioning their understanding of what is happening in the passage. Children identify and discuss any unknown vocabulary applying appropriate strategies to work out unfamiliar word meanings. Any objectives from the National Curriculum within each year group not explicitly taught within the modelled reading comprehension are covered in this session (e.g. discussing the text, giving opinions on the text, making links between texts etc.)
  • Modelled Reading Comprehension – Each week, the class teacher teaches the children one of the four strands of reading comprehension with a focus on one specific question type (tick box, written answer, match up etc.). The teacher models how to answer the question type with the children. Following the teacher model, children are given the opportunity to answer questions on the same strand and of the same question format. The teacher will support the children to achieve this as needed. As a class, children will mark their answers and discuss how to answer each question, improving their answer as appropriate.
  • Independent Reading Comprehension – Children will independently read a cold text and complete a set of reading comprehension questions. The question set will follow the same strand and question type taught that week. Children will mark their answers and discuss any misunderstandings as a class.