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PE and Sport Premium


Our vision is for all children at St John’s to experience excellent physical education, school sport and physical activity that will lead to life-long participation.


Intent - 

Through a high quality, safe and challenging physical education programme, the school aims to develop successful learners and confident individuals who develop as independent enquirers, creative thinkers, reflective learners, team workers, self-managers and effective participators. We aim to inspire our pupils to enjoy physical activity and sport as they go through life.


Implementation - 

We achieve these aims through:
• A broad and varied curriculum (our curriculum map has begun to move away from sports and looks at skills and what sports can be used as vehicles to enhance those skills)
• Extra curricular clubs/activities (clubs are used for enrichment of the curriculum and to prepare for competition)
• School Sport Competitions (intra and inter class/year group/school)
• Physical Activity (Break/Lunchtimes/Active Travel)



We help motivate children to participate in a variety of sports through quality teaching that is engaging and fun. Children learn to take responsibility for their own health and fitness, many of who will also enjoy the success of competitive sports. We equip our children with the necessary skills and a love for sport. They will hopefully grow up to live happy and healthy lives utilising the skills and knowledge acquired through PE. We link our physical health with our mental health and use this to encourage growth mind sets and well-being.


• Children will achieve age related expectations in PE;

• Children will enjoy sport and will seek additional extra-curricular activities both school and external to school related;

 • Children will use fitness and sports to improve their physical and mental health throughout their lives.

Extra Curricular Clubs

Please follow the Breakfast and After School link to access our whole school Extra Curricular yearly overview.

Evidencing the impact of Primary PE and Sport premium report 2023-24

Evidencing the impact of Primary PE and Sport premium report 2022 - 2023



School Sport Funding is an amount of money that is put into a school budget in order to raise participation in sports, competitions and encourage healthy lifestyles. In 2022-23 the school should receive approximately £18,810.


At St John's we spend the money in the following way in order to gain as much impact for the children as possible:


  • A temporary responsibility post for a teacher to organise PE, sports opportunities, competitions, clubs, liaise with Schools Sport Partnership.
  • A full time School sport and PE coach providing lesson delivery, staff training and lunchtime and after school clubs.
  • Membership to Amber Valley School Sport Partnership.


School Swimming Information

At St John's year 5 pupils attend swimming lessons once a week for the whole year. 

This year 65% of year 6 pupils have met the national curriculum requirement to swim competently; confidently and proficiently over at least 25 metres, using a range of strokes and can perform a safe self rescue. 

PE with Joe can still be found on You Tube.

Impact Report

Please read the following report for further details of the PE and sport provision and the impact of participation. 

PE Report 2020-2021
