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Ripley St. John’s CofE

Primary School & Nursery

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Useful Forms

Below you can find all the relevant documentation that you may need to complete during your child's time with us at St. John's. Please ensure that when completing forms, they are returned to the School Office with a parent/carer signature and date, providing as much information as possible.


Our Pupil Update Form is to be completed when you need to make any changes to your child's details, whether this be an address, emergency contact numbers, or contact information.  


We collect your permissions, once upon entry into our school, using the Parental Consent Form. However, please see a copy of the documentation below should you need to make any changes throughout your time at St. John's. 


When completing an Administration of Medicines Form, please ensure that your child's name and class is also clearly labelled on the medicine when bringing into school.


Although we do not advocate that parents/carers take their children out of school, we recognise that parents/carers may still choose to do so, and therefore, we have attached the Leave of Absence Form below. Parents/carers must be aware that unless the request is to be deemed as an exceptional circumstance by the Headteacher, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised and you may be issued with a Penalty Notice, should you still choose to take your children out of school. 
