Year 6 Home and Extended learning support.
In order to aid learning at home, we are recommending that all pupils follow the guidance set out in lessons and through the Mymaths and TTRS Tasks as they move through Year 6. Learning can be supported by using the resources listed here. We are committed to ensuring your child is supported in their learning of the curriculum. Through your help at home, we hope that the pupils do not miss any critical information or learning in preparation for secondary school due to absence through illness or missing homework. If there are any problems or you would like further guidance with anything, please contact us via Class Dojo.
Keep up to date on the school and class pages on Class Dojo.
Stay healthy and stay happy - and thank you for visiting, reading and continuing with your education at home!
Mrs Howarth Mrs Radford
In Year Six we cover a wide range of themes to engage the pupils in their learning.
These are more age-related than in previous years and include topics such as:
The more mature topics aim to reflect the Year Six KS2 curriculum and explore the detail and depth of subject matter they will encounter at secondary school and thus give them a head start.
In English we study the following books and English units over the year, covering a range of genres and styles, including:
The more mature topics aim to reflect the Year Six KS2 curriculum and explore the detail and depth of subject matter they will encounter at secondary school and thus give them a head start.
Year 6 Topics
Montagne |
| Justice League |
| Titanic | Moving Up |
Websites for Extended Home Learning
Interactive Revision pack – please use!
Year 6 Revision Pack
Pobble 365 – This changes daily. Scroll down to access the writing tasks and comprehension questions.
MyMaths – Lessons, games and homework – login details in Organisers
BBC Bitesize – Maths and English
MyMiniMaths – lots of arithmetic, daily problems and YouTube tutorials
TT Rockstars – Times Tables practice
Year 6 Class Page – Maths quizzes – password is triangle
Classroom Secrets Kids – Maths and SPaG games/quizzes – Login details TBA
Oxford Owl Reading – free e-books that can be accessed online. Simply sign up for free and access the free library of e-books using the link below.
Get Set to Eat Fresh - Lots of resources to promote healthy habits and great recipes