Teaching assistants- Mrs Allsobrook (Mrs A) and Mrs Shaw
In Year 2 , we focus on a range of interesting and exciting topics in history, geography and science over the year.
In Autumn, we will be looking at significant explorers in our History topic of Great explorers, finding out about people such as Neil Armstrong and Felicity Ashton and their achievements. We will move on to learning about Our School and Our Local Area during the second half term in our geography work. We will learn about things like aerial views and addresses as part of this. Our Science learning is all about animals including humans, and biodiversirty- minibeasts.
During Spring, we will be finding out about Nurturing Nurses in History, learning about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole for example, and during the second half term we have a brand new topic called 'Need for Speed' which is based around F1 and the various locations it is in. In Science we will be learning about plants and living things and their habitats.
To end the year, we will be learning all about The Victorians and the history of toys, finishing off in the final half term with a geography topic 'Our Country'. Our science will be properties of everyday materials and scientists and inventors. |
Home Learning
We suggest your child should read at least 3 times a week and continue to record this in their organiser. This will still count towards any current reading challenges in school. Create a quiz to check your child’s understanding or what they have read. Can they write some sentences about the story or what they have found out from a non fiction book. Don't forget that reading recipes and instructions for games are good chances for reading practice too. Other examples are comics, magazines, and online blogs.
Inside the organiser are the spelling lists that will be used for the spelling bees across the year. Year 2 words begin from the 'oor' words (door, floor, poor) On top of this Year 2 children should also learn months of the year and number words from 11-20.
Weekly spellings will be sent out on a Tuesday and tested the following Tuesday. These words are based on the Read, Write Inc group that your child is in.
Please encourage any opportunities to write at home, this could be a diary of their day, or a shopping list for exampls. Any practise is good!
Engage with the ‘Lesson’ and ‘Homework’ sections of the activities set on the MyMaths website (https://login.mymaths.co.uk/). This includes re-visiting both sections of tasks already set in order to consolidate learning from earlier in the year, and completing recently-set tasks.
Also use TTRS (https://ttrockstars.com/) to practise times tables regularly.
Our project homework letter often suggests homework tasks that are linked to our science topics so keep an eye out for these.
Stay healthy and stay happy – and thank you for visiting, reading and continuing to support your child's education.
Below are a range of websites that you can access at home
Useful links:
My Maths Interactive online teaching and homework
TT Rock Stars Times tables practice - Autumn 2x, Spring 5x, Summer 10x
Supermovers Get active whilst learning
Go Noodle Encourage children to stay active
BBC BiteSize KS1 All subject areas and topics from the national curriculum
Top marks Great educational resources, full of games, ideas and free activities- including Daily 10 to practise times tables!