Our vision is to ‘create a happy school community where all children participate, persevere and are proud of their achievements.’ Making sure that everyone in our school community is safe is an essential prerequisite if children are to demonstrate any of the above.
At St John’s CE Primary School we have a Safeguarding Team, listed below, but also have a culture within school where everyone is responsible. Information about our approach to pastoral support, e-safety and our policies and procedures can be found below.
You can download the Important Safeguarding information for parents and carers booklet and other leaflets and documents, that may be useful, further down this page.
Safeguarding Information
Staff in school, by law, have a duty to report any concerns that they may have that any child may be suffering significant harm, particularly as a consequence of possible abuse. It is a Department for Education requirement that each school in the country nominates a senior member of staff who will have special responsibility for Child Protection. At St John’s, we have four members of staff who have received advanced safeguarding training of which at least one is on site at all times.
The school has a policy on Safeguarding, which has been agreed by the Governing Body. We also refer regularly to the Keeping Children Safe in Education document, which highlights important safeguarding information.
As a school, we have close contacts with the School Health Service, Children's Services and the Police, any or all of who may become involved if abuse is suspected or alleged.
The school has a responsibility to collate basic information such as who has parental responsibility for a child, and to pass this information to the relevant agencies if so requested. In the event of an investigation into possible child abuse, the school has a duty to cooperate with the investigating agencies to the best of their ability to promote the welfare of the child. Whilst the school will always attempt to work in partnership with parents and carers, and try to ensure that they are fully informed of, and participate in, any action concerning their child, if there is a conflict of interest; the welfare of the child must be the paramount consideration.
School takes very seriously the appointing of new staff and follows the 'Safer Recruitment' advice from the Local Authority.
Our staff and volunteers are DBS checked to ensure all our pupils stay safe.
Should you wish to discuss child protection and the safety of your child, or indeed, any other child in school, please feel free to contact the safeguarding team.
Please take time to read the leaflet in the link below. Here you will also find our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and the Keeping Children Safe in Education document as well as our Safer Working Practice guidance.