Reading for Pleasure
Reading at Story Time, within Library Activities, Book Blankets and Book Chat are all examples of reading for pleasure at school.
Reading for pleasure is encouraged in a range of ways across school. All classes base their literacy work on a class text to engage all children and inspire a love of learning across the curriculum. Additionally, all classes share a class story with their teacher at the end of each day so that the children have the chance to listen to someone reading to them. Regular time in our school library during afternoon sessions also helps to promote the importance of books to a child’s education. Library clubs are currently running at playtime and after school to enable children to have access to a wide range of literary works. Where possible, children are given the chance to work alongside authors to listen to stories and produce some of their own. (The latest visitor to school being Billy Bob Buttons who wrote ‘I think I murdered my teacher’.) Opportunities for library visits are also planned to ensure that children can access this service. Parents are regularly invited into school to take part in reading workshops and reading breakfasts to develop good home-school links.