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Parent Governor Elections

Dear Parent / Carer,


I hope to find you and your families well.


There are currently 2 vacancies on the governing body for parent governors. To fulfil this role, the only qualification you need is to be a parent/carer of a current pupil within Ripley St John’s.


Governors play a key role within the strategic direction of the school and as a result we work closely with each other within a multi discipline team from within the community that not only challenges the school but also supports it on our never ending journey to ensure the education of the children of our community.


If you would like to put your name forward for one of these posts, please read through the guidance document (available here) to ensure that you meet all the criteria required by the Department for Education.


Once this document has been read please complete the declaration of eligibility including the personal statement (available here as a word document or here as a PDF)) (maximum of 100 words) as this will be utilised in the event of an election being required. On completion the forms should be returned via email to or in a sealed envelope marked “Confidential” to the school office via your child for paper entries. All nominations are to be received by FRIDAY 7th MAY 2021 at 12.00 Noon, any nominations after this time will not be entered.


In the event of there being more nominations than positions an election will be required, this will be arranged and voting details (including names and personal statements) will be released within 5 working days of the closing date.


If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me via email  or through the school office.


Kind regards


Scott Beighton

Chair of Governors
